Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Shock for the Parents

The Smith family was our next door neighbors. They were a decent family with the parents and their lovely son. They had late childbirth and loved their son very much. All was going on very well until their son developed some mental problems.
At first, Sean, their son began to lose attention over a lot of things including studies. The parents did not care for it that much because they thought that it was just childish problem. Later on, Sean turned his attention towards food so much that he thought of nothing else. Still, the Smiths overlooked this. But then all of sudden he became very moody and had mood swings now and often. It became so intense that he screamed and felt like hurting others. This time the Smiths took him to a doctor who suggested that they observe him closely for some more days. He prescribed some medicines in the meantime and told them to report after about 10 days. The situation got no better and the Smiths went to the doctor before time. The doctor advised them that Sean was suffering from some mental illness. The Smiths were heartbroken that their only child had to have this problem. Dana, the mother, thought it might have been caused by some medicines that she had taken during her pregnancy. The doctor however assured them that there is treatment for mentalillness in children and that Sean would be cured following treatment. He was only seven years of age and proper treatment will help him get cured.
It has been three months since then and Sean has responded well to treatment.

Types of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a lifelong illness and if left untreated the ups and downs associated with it can be devastating. There is always a recurring manic and depressive episode that makes it nearly difficult for a person to lead a normal and stable life.
The types of bipolar disorder commonly seen are:
·         Bipolar 1 – a classic form of the disorder it is associated with one or more manic episodes or mixed episodes and one or more major depressive episodes. This is the most sever form of illness.
·         Bipolar 2 – it is a milder form of where there are milder episodes of hypomania alternating with that of the episode of depression. This is diagnosed after one or more major depressive episodes and at least one hypomanic episode and one major depressive episode.
·         Cyclothymic disorder – this is even a milder form of bipolar disorder where there are several hypomanic episodes alternating with less severe episodes of depression. In this type the high and lows of mood swings are not that great to qualify it as mania or depression.
·         Rapid cycling – this is diagnosed when there are 4 or more episodes of mania, hypomania and depression in a 12-month period.
Whatever be the type there is bipolar treatment for patients to give them a healthy life.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Is She Only In My Mind?

They say that I am somewhat crazy. Why? Because I am in love with a girl! They say that she exists only in my mind and that there is no real girl. What! How can this be true? I talk to her, hold her hands, share my feelings and have such a wonderful time together. She is there absolutely, flesh and blood. Only last evening we had a stroll on the beach. No wait, not the beach, I forget that I live far away from the seas. Then what was it? Oh darn it! Maybe somewhere else but what does it matter? We had such a good quiet time. Then the day before we went on a trip to…to…whatever. Me and what her name is…is…I keep forgetting her name. But who cares? She is the one for me. She loves me and no one else. And they are all jealous. They are bad people. I feel sad when they say that I need help and that they would take me to a Missouri psychiatrist who will help me get better. Can you imagine? They want to take me to shrink!! I AM NOT CRAZY!!! My mother too says that the psychiatrist will cure me. She holds my hands and cries and says that she loves me and would like me to get better. I…I…don’t know what to do. Oh God! I feel like crying. But hey wait! There she comes again! Her dreamy eyes look at me and say, “I am here. There is no one to take you away. Do not be afraid. Just hold my hand and we will be fine.” Yes, there she is…you people do not know. I am going away with her…from all of you.

A Lot of Support for My Daughter

Do you have teenage kids at home? Then you would probably know what it is like to bring them up. The teenage years are the most volatile and it needs a lot of caring to make them follow the right track.
I have a daughter who is fifteen years old. She is a good student but sometime back her grades began dropping. I tried to ask her the reason behind it but she always eschewed it. Then she began to act weird as if she was scared of something. This was quite disturbing that I had look at her suffering from a constant feeling of anxiety. She would not confide in me and so I decided to take her to specialist. I did not have prior knowledge of treatments regarding mental and so, I took my daughter to a psychiatrist. My daughter slowly opened up to her and confided in her about her problems. The problem was with her boyfriend who was an absolutely abusive type of kid. He used to frighten her, embarrass her and even sometimes hit her. My daughter began to cry as she described her feelings while I listened to all this feeling aghast. The psychiatrist suggested anxiety disorder treatment and some medications. She also told me to support her very much as she needed it the most and possibly to change her school. I did as she told me and now my daughter is leading a healthy life. Looking back at those times a few years back, I now realize that if I had not done what I did, I would have lost my daughter.